Dipartimento Affari Interni

Sua Eminenza

† Avondios

Eparca di Brescia,

Presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni ecclesiastiche interni

del Metropolia Di Aquileia

E-mail:  avondios@yahoo.it

Il 27 marzo 2012 il Sacro Sinodo di Milano ha nominato presidente del Dipartimento per le relazioni interni del Metropolia di Aquileia il vescovo di Como, Avondios

(attualmente Eparca di Brescia, vicario generale della Metropolia di Aquileia).

Name : Ioan
Surname: Bica
Date of birth: 05.11.1977, Teregova, Timis county
Education: Grammar school – Teregova
15.09.1995 – The seminary “Ioan Popasu” Caransebes
June 2000 – school leaving examination – 9,98
2000 -2004 – Faculty of theology
Languages:Romanien ,Italien

6.09.1993 – entered the monastery “Sf. Ilie Romanesti”- Spring Miron – Timis county

19.10.1995 – was selected – honorary- father superior of the Hermitage of Saint Joseph from Partos, by bishop Emilian Birdas

1995-1996 – apprentice of bishop Emilian Birdas, having different administrative competences

1996- 1999 – administrative competences as part of the Bishop’s staff in Caransebes; educator at the Seminary

5.12.1998 – was supliced under the name of Iorest by his Eminence Laurentiu Streza- Bishop of Caransebes, now Mithropolite of Ardeal

15.12.1998 – ordinated deacon in the Cathedral of Caransebes, on St. Spiridon’s Day, according to the civil calendar

1998- 1999- member of diplomatic missions of the Bishopric in Italy

10.04.1998 locum tenens administrator of the abbot of Piatra Scrisa Hermitage

July, August 1999- administrator of the vacant place of the abbot of Bogaltin Monastery

2000- became monk, godfather being Archimandrite Visarion Joanta, the divine service was celebrated by Bishop Laurentiu Streza

6.08.2000 – ordinated priest and father confessor at ‘’ Putna Almaj’’ Monastery

12.08.2000 – elected abbot of the new Monastery of Poiana, Caras Severin County

Autumm 2000 dedicates the place for the new Church

June – October 2001 – starts the building of the church and cells; founded a community of 10 monks; buildsa chapel and monastic house

2002 – retires as an abbot, the monastery becomes a place for nuns

18.09.2004 – treasurer of Bogaltin Monastery

05.12.2004 becames monk with great Schima from Ieroschimonah Nectarios in Holy Mount Athos, receiving the name of Siluan.
During the period of December 2004 –stays in Karacalu Monastery , after that he retires in private life

07.04.2007 – enters in the Holy Metropolitan Church Of Milan and Aquileia

12.05.2007 – becomes vicar of the Orthodox Church of Como, organizez the missionary life in Milano, missionary in Bergamo – Brescia Parrish

27.08.2007 – Secretary of the Holy Synod of Milano

05.12.2007 – named Archimandrite

10.04.2008 – elected bishop of Como

19.05.2008 – ordinated Bishop by S.B Evloghios and S.E Luca di Torcello

Easter 2011 – Archbishop

2008- 2012 – organizes the parishes of Metropolitan Church as administrator of the Spanish Orthodox Parishes and Secretary of the Holy Synod and Vicar General of the Mitropolitan Church of Milano

2011- opens the Monastery of Lonato under the blessing of S.B Evloghios; organizes the monastic life at the Diocesan center of Milano
At present – Vicar General of the Metropolitan and Archivescovo of Lecco and Como;
Promoter of the Orthodox Mission of the Romanian Community in Italy and Western Europe Initiator of the humanitarian missionary project “ Give helping hand” as part of the Missionary Department of the Metropolitan Synod
Permanent participation in the organization of the missionary life of the church.

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